random stuff
caro's notes
acoustic mirror
art car
all about art cars and "cartists". Evil chaotic version of this:
schizophrenia rides
false harmonics
aka string harmonic
Criticism of copyright.
Center for the Study of the Public Domain
Our economy, culture and technology depend on a delicate balance between that which is, and is not, protected by exclusive intellectual property rights. Both the incentives provided by intellectual property and the freedom provided by the public domain are crucial to the balance. But most contemporary attention has gone to the realm of the protected. The Center for the Study of the Public Domain at Duke Law School is the first university center in the world devoted to the other side of the picture.
Mirror Sound
Lawrence Azerrad and Spencer Tweedy discuss their release of Mirror Sound, a visual portrait that delves into the people and processes behind self-recorded music, with Lauren Turner.
Piero Scaruffi's knowledge base
Piero Scaruffi is an Italian-American writer who maintains a website on which his reviews of music, film, and art are published. He has created his own publishing entity called Omnipublishing, that exclusively releases his books about music and science.
the gate of the year
a poem
a history of anti-fascism: smithsonian mag
anti-fascism and anti-racism are intrinsically connected
video game music
hi-quality MP3s
nice dyes for tie dye
dharma trading
space age pop music
space age pop, exotica, lounge, cocktail...
library of congress - photochrom prints
as wes anderson said "google earth [from 1890s-1910s]."
indie distributor
red eye distribution
Red Eye Distribution
quarantine casettes
tape makers in the bay area
blank casettes - deltamedia
cute blank casettes
blank j cards
blank j cards
dance studio rentals in gowanus
emoticons fun
good emoticons
webamp skin museum
webamp skin museum
art music technology
art music tech podcast
In-depth electronic music + synth stuff.
marbling explained
marbling blog
How To Develop A Solid Foundation As A Beginner Without Holes
jazz piano school. see also: jazz voicing
diy postings
che cafe
diy space in ca
Why We Need to Leave Record Labels Behind in 2020
Fuck record labels - who needs 'em? See also:
“I lost my identity”: The artists who left major record deals to form their own indie labels
locations for video and still shoots
NewMusic USA - Grants
The New Music USA Project Grants program is funded in part by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts.
United States Artists - Fellowships
With these unrestricted cash awards and an optional year of financial planning services, awardees have the freedom to determine how to use the funding — be it housing or medical expenses, investing in new studio equipment, or making new work.
fort greene stuff
best things to do in ft greene!
foundation for intentional community
International Pop Underground Convention
the blueprint...
on a whim boutique
cute boutique
arthur pollock
arthur pollock - photography
glossary of pro wrestling terms
see "parts unknown"
africa is a country
new writing on and from the African left
ev grieve
longtime favorite ... need to check more often
the secret life of machines
the secret life of machines
theater games - for writing and acting
fiddle leaf fig care
care for fiddle leaf fig
hawaiian baby woodrose
hawaiian baby woodrose as medicine
hopalong hollow
50 Watts
oxaca city (2, 3, 4)
more mexico
london to mongolia along the ancient silk road
koryo group tours
museum of jurassic technology
city requiliary NYC
holy land usa
bread and puppet museum
dream house
want to visit
museum of everyday life
museum of reclaimed urban space
Tim Hunkin's Novelty Automaton
dirt room
return home